
Local Inspirations: "Carteret Lights" and "Spirit of Conchs Point"

"Carteret Lights" is clearly about Cape Lookout Lighthouse and it's associated marketing. I've always been amazed at how many businesses and organizations use Cape Lookout for identity. It is THE Carteret icon. The central image was taken a few months ago. The signs were snapped mostly on Harkers Island about two weeks ago when my friend Jane visited. Jane and I had a really great day together searching out lighthouses. I was going to do the whole county but I got so many just on Harkers Island that I stopped.

"Spirit of Conchs Point" is about the old dock, the truly community one we had before the new mini-park came into being. In many ways it was friendlier and more accessible. The current gazebo is a pass-through with really awful no-back bench seating, hardly a good place to hang out or gather. The community used to have fish fries and cook-outs at the point. No longer. No facilities any more.

What we have today is a floating dock where people I've never seen before come to fish or sun. Dogs must be on leashes and I think the park closes at sundown. I miss the old unregulated dock and the "Barfinder" aka "S.S.Weed." Nothing stays the same and I am lucky I was here for many of the years before Ophelia took it all out and the town took over. Click title for images.